Torrino NFTs

Torrino is an iconic collection of 500 NFTs generated on the Solana blockchain: Torrino NFTs are inspired to a stylized gecko, considered as a universal good luck charm, combined with five talismans attracting fortune, according to different human cultures. The entire NFTs collection is backed by Torrino DAO with a community-driven approach. Torrino DAO represents a thriving community of Solana evangelists and crypto traders who strongly believe in the rise of Web3 space and are united by a passion for disruptive innovation. 









Any Torrino NFT holder is a DAO voting member, DAO’s mission is to create value for the entire collection in a long-term perspective and protect the value of Torrino NFT Collection from typical pump and dump scheme. DAO Treasury is essential for fuelling the success and longevity of the entire NFT collection, in fact, DAO Treasury can use funds collected by minting to purchase other digital collectibles from emerging Solana NFT collections as well as acquire any type of crypto assets inside the Solana ecosystem according to DAO Manifesto. Treasury Address is public on Solana blockchain, therefore anyone can check it.

Book Value

We have had enough of monkeys, teddy bears and pixelated silhouettes when we think about a collection of NFTs: for this reason we have created a completely original concept design, really unlike from the most famous collections in the world.  Even if the collection boasts an exclusive originality compared to others on the market, it’s in terms of utility that it stands out the most. Infact Torrino DAO manages DAO Treasury with the aim of creating and maintaining a suitable endowment of collectible resources to support the entire collection. The Book Value of each Torrino NFT represents abstractally the equivalent value in USDC that each NFT would have if the DAO were dissolved, all DAO Treasury assets sold and the obtained monies divided among all NFT holders in relation to the number of NFTs held in their wallet.

The Road Map

March 2023

Conceptualization and development of brand identity including name, logo and visual style.

April 2023

Definition of specifications for artwork files, metadata and rarity attributes.

May 2023

Pointing out the functionalities of the smart contract, for minting, transferring ownership, royalties, and secondary market transactions. Testing the smart contract to identify and fix any vulnerabilities or bugs.

July 2023

Community building: establishment of an official website, create accounts on social media platforms to engage with enthusiasts.

September 2023

Minting process of the entire collection based on target audience with whitelist and public sale.

October 2023

Forming DAO architecture, listing NFTs on Magic Eden and Tensor, setting up raffles for followers.

November 2023

Moving all minting funds and strategic assets into DAO Treasury, establishment of Governance Council [GC]

January 2024

Explore collaborations with other Solana NFT projects to expand the visibility of collection.

March 2024

Shaping and project planning of Torrino DAO Generation 2 NFTs Collection.

July 2024

Launch and listing of Gen2 Collection.


by Torrino DAO

Solnauta #610

Solnauta #665

Solnauta #102

Solnauta #705

Solnauta #370

Solnauta #374

Solnauta #690

Solnauta #824

Solnauta #183

Solnauta #178

Solnauta #863

Solnauta #189

Frequently asked questions

Which Are The Risks You Run If You Buy A Torrino NFT?

Solana NFTs are in a constant state of change, with holders’ expectations shifting frequently. There is no guarantee whatsoever that Torrino NFT collection will be successful or that its price will remain stable even with the support of DAO Treasury. NFTs are volatile and uncertain, their prices can be also hit by heavy impact in others blockchain failures or by hostility of new laws passed by international regulators. You should buy a Torrino NFT exclusively for the pleasure of owning a unique digital artwork and to be a Torrino DAO member, while those who buy it for speculative purposes are in fact making an insane risky bet.

Does It Make Sense To Buy A Torrino NFT?

The collection was conceived to fully satisfy the three structural features of every successful NFT collection: originality, rarity and utility, however it is precisely utility that makes the collection attractive and different from many others, thanks to the presence of DAO Treasury that has the ambitious goal of protecting the value of the entire collection over time.

Which Is the utility of a Torrino NFT?

Whoever owns a Torrino NFT becomes a Torrino DAO member, DAO Treasury represents the supporting pillar of the entire NFT collection.

How is DAO Ruled?

The functioning of DAO is specified inside DAO Manifesto, only holders of a Torrino NFT can take part during voting session.

How Many Votes Are Assigned During A Voting Session?

Each NFT held corresponds to one voting right, therefore, whoever owns five NFTs then holds five voting rights and so on.

Who Has The Power To Move Treasury Funds?

This power is reserved exclusively to DAO, which expresses itself with the vote on the destination of the resources proposed by GC with the support of CSP. The transfer of treasury funds is regulated by a smart contract which is activated only in the event of an approved vote.

What Quorum An Improvement Proposal [IP] Must Have To Be Approved By DAO?

At least 51% of the voting rights is required, if this is not achieved the proposal is rejected and no transfer of funds can be performed.

How Can I Know the balance Of DAO Treasury?

Treasury Address is public on Solana blockchain, therefore anyone can check it, furthermore the calls to vote and all the operations concerning the treasury are available on our Discord server.

Can I Apply To Be Appointed As GC Member Or CSP Member?

DAO members can apply to be appointed as GC member or CSP member in compliance with the provisions of DAO Manifesto, however considering that there could also be intrusion attempts [raids] by tricksters and bandits, the applications are examined by GC with veto power and subsequently proposes for last approval to DAO.

How To Apply For Governance Council?

Applications must be published in the relevant section of Torrino DAO Discord Server and must allow the personal identification of the proponent thanks to Twitter Blue Verified Badge or else Linkedin profile.

Torrino DAO is made with passion thanks to Solana Blockchain | Credits